On Self Defense


   Most Martial Arts are not defensive in nature, they are fighting arts. One of the major inherent problems of most formal Martial Arts is that the Martial Art itself was never designed to address the problems faced in many of the violent attacks happening in the real world today.

   The techniques taught in most Martial Arts Systems are the culmination of highly structured stance, movement, blocking and striking principles, built one upon the other in a reactive manner.  The only effective way to learn these techniques is through extensive repetitive practice.

   To teach a "Self-Defense Course," based on most formal Martial Arts, means subtracting the "defensive" sections from the whole fabric of the art, thereby weakening the overall effectiveness of the "Course."

   Most Martial Artists have never used their art in a violent attack or deadly force encounter. Although some  Artists have used their skills in fights or in competition, neither environment has much in common with real world, violent attacks in "Worst Case" scenarios.

   The Workshops use no style, no stance, no form and no kata for a truly "Elegant Defense". A low adrenal flow is generated in clients to aid their speed, dexterity , body memory and flight or fight responses in attack situations.

  The Workshops encompass strategic, legal, moral and tactical considerations that are far greater than most simple "Self-Defense Courses."  We structure each Workshop Course to "Need-Specific" parameters, using Avoidance, Evasion, and Defusion techniques with Physical Defense only as a last resort. This results in the least emotional and psychological damage to the attacked participant.

                                                                                                     Bruce E. E. Tompkins   

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 Copyright © 1980 - 2008 by: Bruce E. E. Tompkins.  All Rights Reserved.