Native Way Featured Artist:
The Poetry of Joni Kaye Behrens
Fighting me You tried To win my soul Giving me pain To not do My spirit journey You fought me all The way Through flatland Foothills, mountains.. To the seas.. In the cities While I slept When I communed With nature When clear headed When tired You tried to change My heart to stone But you forgot How I am the stone The trees, the mountain The water that flows You tried to kill Sent your leeches.. Nothing was able To sway my mind For my mind Was made up all along There was a time When I felt almost defeated You used every tool You had.. But you guides Were with me The bear, the wolf, the eagle My companion guide My gifts My fire Which belongs not to me But to the Great One.. Who gave me the gifts I treasure the journey The time spent in the fight Because now you know I will not be bought No matter what you are selling
Joni Kaye Behrens e-mail:
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